• Top 5 Wednesday

    Top 5 Wednesday: Authors

    This week is dedicated to those amazing author’s in your life that have changed your world. I’m supposed to stick to author’s I’ve discovered this year, but I’m going to branch out and include some other amazing writers, I hope you don’t mind. 1. George Orwell Have I talked about how I love “1984” yet? Yes? Oops. I read “1984” last Christmas (so almost this year), and as you all know, it’s one of my favorite books and I recently reviewed “Animal Farm” because I also loved that book. I think he’s an amazing writer that writes simply enough for everyone to enjoy it but profoundly enough to inspire his…

  • Book Reviews,  Books

    A Satirical Comparision

    Title: Fight Club vs. Rant: The Oral Biography of Buster Casey Author: Chuck Palahniuk Genre: Satirical Fiction Quotations: “Nothing is static. Everything is falling apart.” vs. “Please, don’t kill it with big words.” Would recommend to: people who like a punch in the gut at the end of a mind-spinning novel. If you’ve ever read a book that left you questioning every word written in the entire novel, Chuck Palahniuk’s novels would be great for you. I’ve only read “Fight Club” and “Rant,” but each left me confused until the last 100 pages or so. (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/713q4LW2y0L.jpg) Probably like many of you, I hate watching a movie before I have read the…