Book Lists,  Books

    Top 5 Books About Mental Health

    Today is National Suicide Prevention Day. September is National Suicide Prevention Month. A lot of crazy things have been going on in our world, and rising rates of suicide should not be one of those things. I’m not going to pretend to be an expert on how to talk about mental health — I’m not — but I think it’s an important conversation to have. As a society, we are slowly breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health, and we need to keep breaking down those walls by having conversations about anxiety, depression, self-harm, and so much more. One of the ways I educate myself on mental health is to…

  • Top Ten Tuesday

    Top 10 Tuesday: Looking Back

    Top 10 Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in 2010. It combines what I love most in this world into one—lists, books, and blogging. It couldn’t be any better suited for me! This week’s topic is all about the books released in 2015 that you just didn’t get around to. I’m actually going to focus on ANY book I wanted to read last year that I didn’t get to because the year of a book release isn’t very important to me — I just care about the book. Let’s get started! 1. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald I bought this in a used bookstore last year, but…