• Catching My Eye 05.07.21
    Catching My Eye,  Lifestyle

    Catching My Eye | 05.07.21

    Happy Friday! I don’t know about you, but this week felt like it both took forever and went by way too fast. I’m getting my second dose of the vaccine this afternoon, and then, I’m ready to be cuddled on the couch all Saturday with side effects. I know I definitely need the break, so while I’m not looking forward to being “sick,” I am looking forward to some down time. this week’s good things: I’m celebrating the marriage of some great friends tonight, I got puppy snuggles all week, and I am working really hard to achieve my dreams. Let’s get started! one | book list It’s Asian American and…

  • birthday lessons

    22 Things I Learned By 23

    This day marks my 23 birthday, and let me tell you, 23 seems a lot older than 22. So on this joyous occasion, I wanted to share some of the lessons I have learned during my short time on Earth. 22 to be exact. 1. Dry shampoo is your best friend. Honestly, anything that saves you time is a good investment. Time is money people. 2. You don’t owe anyone your friendship. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been friends with them since you were in diapers. if they were there for you when your mother died, or if they’ve paid off your college loans for you, if someone treats you…