• planner with mood board for 2021
    Lifestyle,  Personal

    2021 Goal Progress

    We are a little over half-way through 2021 — Congrats! Whether this year isn’t anything like you expected or it’s turning out exactly as planned, I’m glad you’re still here. While I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot over the last few weeks, I also feel like I’ve accomplished nothing? It’s a weird feeling, but I’m going to keep moving forward. As you may know, my boyfriend and I do a weekly check-in with each other to make sure we are on track to accomplish our goals and making sure our weeks are going the way we want them to. The other week, I realized one of my goals had completely changed…

  • Somethings Don't Work Out
    Advice,  Lifestyle

    Sometimes Things Don’t Work Out…

    As you may know, I tried to do a reading marathon this weekend. Much to my utter determination, it did not pan out as planned. And that’s okay. I really wanted to finish two books this weekend (I had four that I should have finished), but it was just not going to happen. Despite popular belief, compared to some people, I’m actually a slow reader, and I should have known from the start that I wasn’t going to be able to finish everything on my list. And that’s okay. You know what I did instead of finishing three books? I got cocktails with my friends. I spent time with my…

  • DIY Mood Board Tips

    DIY: Mood Board Tips

    I got really into making mood boards this year because I had some extra space in my planner that I ordered from Golden Coil (I know they are expensive, but they are totally worth it. I am in love with mine.) I had the perfect two-page spread right at the start of each month to create a vision for the next thirty days. If you’re looking to create a mood board similar to mine, you’re only going to need a few things: Photos (I grabbed mine from Pinterest, but you can do it the old school way with a magazine) Washi tape Double-sided tape or normal Scotch tape that you…


    2019 Goals: An Update

    I can’t believe I’m saying it, but we are officially halfway through 2019. It feels like yesterday I was sharing my goals for the year, and now it’s time for a little update. Overall, 2019 has been going pretty well. There’ve been more than a few bumps in the road, but I can’t really complain. I’ve gotten more enmeshed in Nashville life than ever before, I’ve made really great friendships in the last few months, and I’ve got more exciting changes coming in the second half of the year. Something that really helps me stick to my goals and keep them top of mind is bullet journaling. I create a spread…

  • Advice,  Lifestyle,  Personal

    Top 5 Tips To Stick To Your Resolutions

    The new year glow has already started to fade on 2019, but there’s still 11 months to fulfill those New Year’s Resolutions — and yes, I do mean Resolutions with a capital “R.” I may be wrong, but I feel like this is around the time of month that people start giving up on their resolutions, but I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to be that person this year. Stick to your resolutions all the way through 2019 with these five tips. Let’s get started!


    2018 Goals: An Update

    2018 is coming to a close, and I’d love to say I accomplished everything on my to-do list, but that never happens does it? I shared my 2018 resolutions this time last year, and I’d like to give an update on how I accomplished those goals throughout the year. Let’s get started!

  • how to stay motivated Featured Image

    How to Stay Motivated (When You Really Don’t Want to do Anything)

    I’ve heard will-power is like a muscle — the more it’s used, the more it grows. I think motivation is the same thing. I’m of the firm belief that some people are born with a little more motivation in their system than others, but most people have the drive to achieve their goals. But, no matter how good our intentions are, we all fall into motivational slumps every now and then. Why do you think quote boards are so popular on Pinterest? Personally, I have so much I want to accomplish in the short time I have on Earth, but sometimes, all I want to do is watch another episode…

  • kettlebells
    Health,  Lifestyle

    10 Tips to Stay Fit in the New Year

    It’s a new year, and you are ready to change your life around. 2017 was a bit of a hot mess (or maybe it wasn’t), so you’re swearing 2018 is your year to get your crap together. The top of your priority list? Finally hitting the gym and eating clean. It’s so easy to write out these goals on the first of the year, but to actually follow through with them? Easier than you think. I’ve got 10 tips for how you can accomplish your goals in 2018 and be the best you yet (or at least a healthier you). 1. Don’t lose site of your goals. It’s so easy…

  • year in reflection

    7 Lessons from 2017

    2017 felt like a constant battle. I dealt with a lot of (pointless) drama during my last semester of college, I graduated, I moved (twice), and I started a new job; looking back, it really wasn’t all that bad. This was a year of growing up and discovering a lot about myself in the process. Check out what I learned this year and what knowledge I plan to take with me into 2018 to make it my best year yet. 1. Forgiveness doesn’t come easy, but it’s essential to moving forward. I’ve been hurt a lot in my life. By people that know it and people that don’t. I’m sure…