• Top Ten Tuesday

    Top 10 Tuesday: OTPs

    Top 10 Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in 2010. It combines what I love most in this world into one—lists, books, and blogging. It couldn’t be any better suited for me! This week, since Valentine’s Day is coming around the corner, I’m talking about my favorite OTPs! I’m going to break the rules a little bit this week and include some TV and movie OTPs as well as book OTPs. 1. Ron Weasley & Hermione Granger — Harry Potter I loved them from way back in the first book when he saved her from a troll, because what’s more romantic than that? First they develop as…

  • Top 5 Wednesday

    Top 5 Wednesday: Badasses

    Have you ever been really excited to read a beautiful book you found in the corner of a bookstore only to find out it’s terrible? We all have. This week I’m going to talk about the baddest of the bad — the characters who just embody “BADASS.” To me, a “badass” means you go against the grain without a care in the world and everyone kind of loves you for it. Here are my favorites: 1. Jace Wayland — The Mortal Instruments Jace was most likely the first true “bad boy” I ran into in my reading endeavors. I read The Mortal Instruments when I was much too young and impressionable and…

  • Treasure Tuesday

    Treasure Tuesday

    1. I am currently reading, “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” and it’s pretty funny so far! 2. Here are some tiny pleasures that all book lovers understand from Thought Catalog. 3.  4. I crafted yesterday, and nothing makes you feel more accomplished than finishing a DIY project. Here’s some inspiration for book lovers! 5. Find out if you’re more Hermione or Katniss with this Buzzfeed quiz. 6.  If you’re having a bad day, this adorable picture of puppies trying to eat each other is sure to cheer you up! 7. I got this awesome Q&A journal that documents five years of your life. I got it from Amazon,…