Book Reviews,  Books

    Verity: A Review

    Warning: Spoilers ahead! Turn back now if you have any intention of reading this book and don’t want to be spoiled! Verity is about a best-selling author, Verity Crawford, who has become unable to care for herself after a tragic car accident. Her husband, Jeremy, hires a ghostwriter, Lowen, to finish Verity’s world-renowned book series, and while Lowen is sorting through Verity’s notes in the two’s home, Lowen and Jeremy begin to develop something more than a friendship. Aside from Verity’s accident, the couple also lost their twin daughters, one after the other, earlier in the same year, but luckily, Jeremy still has Crew, his 5-year-old son. While Lowen in staying…

  • books to read in june
    Book Lists,  Books

    June TBR List

    Happy almost June! It feels like I’m jumping the gun since there are still 9 days until the end of the month, but I’m already excited about the books I’m going to be flipping through in the next month. The first time I made a TBR list for myself was last month, and I’ve got to say I was a lot more motivated to read knowing I wanted to finish certain books in the month. I haven’t finished them all yet, but it was the best month for reading I have had in a while. Let’s jump into my June TBR list! Image from Goodreads 1. “A Darker Shade of…

  • Book Reviews,  Books

    The Girl on the Train Was Right

    Reminiscent of books like “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn, Paula Hawkins takes mystery to a whole new level in her thriller “The Girl on The Train.” Hawkins, a British author who began her career as a business journalist, writes her story from the perspectives of three women in relation to a man named Tom; Rachel, the alcoholic ex-wife; Anna, the seemingly perfect replacement wife and mother; and Megan, the dead mistress with a big secret. When you pick up “The Girl on the Train,” you might be looking for just another thriller, but you’re going to get much more than you bargained for. While the married mistress showing up dead…

  • Book Reviews,  Books

    The Book That Had Me at the Edge of My Seat

    Title: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Author: Steig Larson Genre: Fiction Quotation: “Everyone has secrets. It’s just a matter of finding out what they are.” Would recommend to: anyone who enjoys “Gone Girl” or a mystery to unravel Now I see why everyone raves about this book. Larsson did a phenomenal job of combining various plot lines and sub-stories into one novel that intertwined in the end. I really enjoyed how every occurrence in the book connected in some way to the larger plot line, and I thought he did an amazing job of dividing the book to maintain order. “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” isn’t really about a girl with a dragon…

  • Book Reviews,  Books

    Dark Words

    Title: Dark Places Author: Gillian Flynn Genre: Mystery Quotation: “The truly frightening flaw in humanity is our capacity for cruelty – we all have it.” Would recommend to: those who enjoy thrillers and mystery. (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/5188jKh%2BNDL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg) A couple months ago (and by that I probably mean a year ago at this point), I went to the book store trying to buy “Gone Girl” but settled for “Dark Places,” and I was not disappointed. When I tell you this book is amazing, believe me. Please, please believe me. It blew my mind. If you are not one for thrillers or mysteries, stop reading this post now and pick up something that won’t leave…