• Tips for Taking on the Real World after Graduation
    Advice,  Lifestyle

    Tips for Taking on the Real World After Graduating College

    So, you’re graduating college? Don’t worry. It’s going to be okay. Graduating from college can be one of the best, and scariest, experience of your life. There’s no sugar-coating it — entering the real world is scary. But it’s not impossible. I’ve survived four year — FOUR YEARS — in the “real world,” and while it doesn’t get any less scary, it does, in some ways, get a little bit easier. I know my experience is vastly different from those graduating now — in the midst of a pandemic — but I feel like I still have some advice I can impart. Let’s get started! one | focus on where…

  • Personal

    Pumping the Brakes

    You may be wondering why you aren’t reading this blog post on a whole new website with a brand new blog name. I’m sorry, but I’ve got your answer right here: I decided to wait. Launching a new blog requires a million tiny little tasks to get done behind the scenes, and I had way too much going on this weekend to dedicate any additional time to a blog relaunch. So, I decided to wait. I decided to take my time and get it right rather than rush through the process and fix all the little things after I launched. And I thought that was an important lesson to discuss…