Catching My Eye,  Personal

    Catching My Eye | 6.21.19

    Hey friends, it’s been a while! I took last week off because I was planning not one, not two, but three events. I’m happy to announce they went super well, but it definitely took a toll on me. I felt like I was underwater for the whole rest of the week, and I was exhausted for the entirety of this week. Hopefully, I can take this weekend to rest up and get ready for some other big life changes coming my way. Last week, I had two big events for work that I coordinated and hosted, and then I helped host a large gala event at the zoo for a…

  • Lifestyle

    Music Monday: #Girlboss

    I recently got very into my Spotify playlists — I cleaned them all up (deleted songs I wasn’t into anymore and categorized more appropriately) and have been listening to music non-stop when I’m getting work done and applying for jobs. I’ve never considered myself a music person — I don’t constantly have earbuds in nor am I listening to anything new or different on a regular basis — but since graduating, I’ve found the power in music being able to motivate and inspire me even on my toughest days. If you know me at all, you know I’ve been listening to “Hamilton” regularly since spring break when I drove down to my…